With a single flavor combination, you can set an iPhone screenshot. An alternative is Scrollshots, the display of a website is possible. Screenshots can be taken that can be used with duplicate tips or shortcuts. If so, read here.

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iPhone: Screenshot per Flavor Combination

iPhone model: So a screenshot was taken.iPhone model: So a screenshot was taken.
iPhone model: So a screenshot was taken. (© GIGA)

iPhone: Took several screenshots

I cannot use the iPhone to open the website. These Screenshots nennt man auch „Scroll shots“, “Scrolling screenshots” or “Full page screenshot”. The scrollshot feature of the Safari browser or the best apps:

  1. View the new website or document in the Safari browser.

  2. A screenshot has been taken for the flavor combination without bothering you Seitentaste and the Lauter-Taste pressuret. Let iPhones bring their taste and taste into your home.

  3. Please click on the links in the small Vorschau, in the editor of this article.

  4. Tap right on “Entire page“. This option is now available when the function for the active website is changed.

  5. If you take a screenshot, you can see through the scrolling and the bear bites.

  6. Tips on the left on „Fertig“ en wählt “In ‘Photos’ for sure“Also, um the Screenshot as PNG Datei in European Galerie zu speichern. Alternatively ihr „PDF in ‘Dateien’ side“ anticipating, um the Screenshot as PDF Datei in some cases they are specific dates. If you can find it in the iOS app “Dateien”, you can find it.

iPhone screenshot: So no longer on the page.iPhone screenshot: So no longer on the page.
iPhone screenshot: So no longer on the page. (© GIGA)

If you want to view an iPhone image, you can view it on video:

View screenshots by duplicate tips on the iPhone page

In iOS, if you activate the dual or double view on the iPhone backpack, you can take a screenshot of the weld. It is like this:

  1. Offnet die „Installations“ > „Operating levers“ > „Tipping“.

  2. Scroll later and tipt auf „Tip on Rückseite“.

  3. Wählt nun entweder „Double tap“ or “Dreififippen“ Aus, je nachdem, was ihr möchtet.

  4. Wählt from the List „Bildschirmfoto“Soft drinks are also a matter of crocheting.

  5. Double-clicking on the back of your iPhones will take a screenshot. Comes out in the shape of the “Dreifachtippen”, tippt stattdessen dreimal nacheinander.

Activate the screenshot here while double tapping on the back page.Activate the screenshot here while double tapping on the back page.
Activate the screenshot here while double tapping on the back page. (© GIGA)

AssistiveTouch: Bildschirmfoto über Menu-Shortcut machen

I can no longer use the function on the iPhone „AssistiveTouch“ active, eh so Bildschirmfotos ohne Tastenkombination sets zu können:

  1. Offnet die „Installations“ > „Operating levers“ > „Tipping“.

  2. Set the Schalter at „AssistiveTouch” on “Ein“.

  3. It’s a small matter Kreis symbol on the screen there is a believable couple who changes.

  4. Tip on that Kreis symbol and wählt „Gerät“ > „More“ > „Bildschirmfoto“A screenshot has been taken of the activated images you want to set.

  5. In other iOS versions, you can set the AssistiveTouch settings yourself to „Adjust menu“bestimmen, which Symbole im Kreis-Menü were stated. In iOS 18, this option can no longer be funded.

With AssistiveTouch ihr Screenshots ohne Tastenkombination.With AssistiveTouch ihr Screenshots ohne Tastenkombination.
With AssistiveTouch ihr Screenshots ohne Tastenkombination. (© GIGA)

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